Monday, June 18, 2007

We haven't left the other Parks Yet

Today is a day for packing and staying sane. We'll leave for Sterling by late afternoon, spend a night there so we don't have to head for Providence in one go.

I think it's a good plan. It's the best one we could think of.

The washing machine's humming along. Think I'll just take the suitcases to the mudroom and pack directly from the dryer.

I love that it's 7:43 in the morning and I don't have to start thinking about packing snacks and lunches, getting frozen pancakes and cold cereal on the table.

My plan for this blog is a simple one: stay in touch with my husband, post pictures of the kids as much as possible so he won't miss them so much.

What an experiment for our little family. A two-week separation from dad and husband when we usually are with one another about three times more than the average American family.

I'm just making that up.